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Spring Marches In by Wild Thing

March 08, 2021 2 Comments

Spring Marches In by Wild Thing

On the first day of March it seemed as though spring had been switched on, so extreme was the contrast to the days which proceeded it. Leaving for a walk with my dog that day had a very different feel — not only the softness and warmth of the sun, but the frequency felt higher, gently humming with activity and life.

Only a few hundred metres into the walk I heard the familiar buzz of a bumblebee, interrupted each time it bumped into my arm, eventually flying onward when its curiosity was apparently satisfied. Having not been in the UK for a long time, I savoured the moment, admiring the insect’s delightfully fluffy stripes. A few metres on I was joined by a tortoiseshell butterfly, its terracotta wings enhanced by the intense blue of the sky beyond. This wasn’t to be the only butterfly I was treated to on this walk — moments later the lemon yellow wings of a male brimstone caught my eye.

The cold, grey weather quickly returned. No sign of butterfly or bee since, leaving me wondering if it were just a dream? No, it was a glimpse of the spring which will be upon us very soon now.

March’s traditional flower is the daffodil, and they’re on schedule. As I write this on 6 March, village greens and gardens are turning cadmium yellow. Crocuses are also appearing now, the purple flowers looking particularly beautiful with the yellow of the daffodils.

Birds are increasingly busy, singing more loudly and melodically as they establish territories and start to look for mates. I have already seen a crow carrying twigs — somewhere a nest is being constructed. I was lucky enough to spot and watch a green woodpecker this week which inspired my latest artwork; one of many pieces of original art for sale by artists on Skylark Galleries online.

A few things to look out for in March
Blackthorn The tiny jewel-like buds, which look like pearls dotted along the branches, will soon burst into blossoms of white.
Wood anemone A pretty, six-seven petalled flower, found flowering in woodlands from March to May.
Common frog Look out for frogspawn starting to appear in ponds.

The three artworks I have chosen this month are:

The Start Of Something Special by Wilf FrostThe Start Of Something Special by Wilf Frost

Raven in the Woods by Sarita Keeler
Raven in the Woods by Sarita Keeler

Red Leaf Imprint by Ruty Benjamini
Red Leaf Imprint by Ruty Benjamini

Green Woodpecker by Amanda Gosse
Green Woodpecker by Amanda Gosse SOLD


Amanda Gosse AKA Wild Thing

2 Responses


March 09, 2021

Thank you that was just what’s needed, and I’ve just walked the dog in the local cemetery where spring is very evident, including serenades and primroses


March 09, 2021

Thank you for such an uplifting positive piece.

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