S.O.S. Save our South Bank from "hideous development"
August 18, 2022
Skylark Galleries has been based in Gabriel's Wharf since 1993.The former ITV building was situated just next door.
There is a proposed development of the former ITV site at 72 Upper Ground. Coin Street which will negatively affect all those who live, work and visit the area. Local residents and small business owners have been fighting to stop this hideous development, that would completely overshadow Gabriel's Wharf and many homes nearby.
The narrow shape at the centre is the original ITV tower, the huge red structure is the proposed new building.
We the Skylark Artists are hoping that you can sign the petition and perhaps share with your contacts who work on, live on, and love the South Bank. We are trying to get to 5,000 signatures to get it in front of Sadiq Khan.
Please do all you can to SAVE OUR SOUTH BANK. Thank you!
The Art of PR - first exhibition to collectively show work of est and emerging UK artists from PR and communications. At The Coningsby Gallery, London,18–23Nov 2024, it will feature the work of Skylark Stella Tooth,