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Why we make art by Helen Trevisiol Duff aka The Colourist

February 23, 2023 3 Comments

The Colourist blogger for Skylark Galleries Helen Trevisiol Duff logo

Throughout history mankind has made art but why?

Art has been used to illustrate a narrative, depict reality, to create a portrait and has been used as a tool to teach. From the first drawings in caves expressing our human experience, art has transcended all nationalities and cultures through Ideas, imagination and dreams.

We are all individuals and today have the freedom to express ourselves in so many ways including digital art. The definition of art is multi-disciplinary and can convey thinking, it can be used for wellbeing, the practice can be the reward with no other agenda or it can be used commercially for financial gain. It can be used politically, culturally and to record events.  Art can also be used as poetry, to tell a story, to allow individual expression and to reflect nature, landscape or cityscape. It can provoke discussion, illustrate dreams, or simply be used to experiment with different mediums. In Skylark Galleries we have over 30 artists who all create for different reasons.

I asked fellow artist Stella Tooth, who creates portraits, why she creates art?
Stella says, “I bring individual stories to life in drawings, mixed media, digital and oil paintings. As an ex journalist and broadcast PR, I tell stories in words and picture. Portraits can mark a special moment in a person's history and are a daily reminder on the wall of who the sitter is and where they belong.”

Cloudbusting Kate Bush tribute band at the Half Moon Putney oil on cradled gesso panel by Stella Tooth artistCloudbusting Kate Bush tribute band at the Half Moon Putney oil on cradled gesso panel by Stella Tooth. £310 

Carol Edgar reflects the beauty of a landscape.  She says, “my semi abstract landscapes are mostly inspired by my experience of both the drama of the Cumbrian countryside and the beauty of the Cornish coastline. My work is rarely representative of specific places, more a response to memories of atmospheres, formations, textures and constantly shifting light and shade, in those surroundings that have inspired me.”

Beyond the Blue by Carol Edgar abstract landscape artist

Beyond the blue acrylic painting on cradled wooden panel by Carol Edgar £250.

Vivien Phelan decided to return to her first love and create art after a long and successful nursing career. She enjoys the feel of clay and manipulation that can be achieved. She says, “My favourite place to start is on the potter's wheel, then reshape it into animals or whimsical bursts based on the quirkiness of the English language.”

Nosey parker by Vivien Phelan ceramicist Skylark Galleries London

Nosey parker by ceramicist Vivien Phelan ceramicist £295

Ashima Kumar uses graphic forms and colour emotively as a translation of her dreams and private feelings. Always looking to transmute the experiential into visible patterns and abstract forms, Ashima sees her artistic practice as threefold: ”dream, dream in turn is drawn to the intricacy of details traveling into a discovery land, design." Her artworks are spontaneous, as though she has transmitted her feelings directly onto paper through the mere act of breathing.

Enchanting sea by Ashima Kumar abstract art Skylark GalleriesEnchanting Sea by abstract artist Ashima Kumar mixed media on watercolour paper £1,000

The motivations, intentions, purpose and inspiration behind why we make art are endless. At Skylark Galleries we have a diverse selection of art so why not have a look and see what appeals to you and why?

Helen Trevisiol Duff The Colourist blogging logo

3 Responses


March 22, 2023

It is so interesting to read more about these artists and have more of an insight into their beautiful artwork


March 10, 2023

Great inspirations

Stella Tooth
Stella Tooth

February 24, 2023

Thank you for featuring my portrait of Mandie Watson of Kate Bush tribute band Cloudbusting. Delighted to have my art curated by you alongside such talented Skylark Galleries artists. x

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